- UAVHub Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
- Miscellaneous
The A2 Certificate of Competency (A2 CofC)
The GVC (General Visual Line of Sight Certificate)
What training do you need for your drone?
Drone Insurance
Online Examination System FAQs
CAA Drone Registration
The HUBSub
Can you fly in Restricted Airspace as a drone operator in the UK?
Invoices, Accounts & Finance
Restricted Airspace
Do you have special allowances for my specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia?
Yes, we can allow up an extra 15 minutes for the A2 CofC theory examination, and an extra 10% of time for the GVC theory examination
If you have an existing report diagnosing dyslexia, dyspraxia, or any other condition which could effect your examination performance please send this to courses@uavhub.com prior to booking your theory examination.
We can then allow an extra 15 minutes for you to take the A2 CofC theory examination and an extra 10% of time for the GVC theory examination.