How do I show my ID for my examination?

You will upload a photo of your ID then hold the ID up to the webcam during the live examination.

You will need to upload a photo of your government-issued ID when registered with the exam system & also hold the ID up to the webcam when instructed to by the invigilation system.

Please note: The system needs to CLEARLY see your name & photo on your ID. 

If you are using a very low-quality webcam and the room is not brightly lit, the proctor may struggle to check the ID, especially if it's very pixelated or blurry.

We would recommend that you check with a friend or family member using a piece of software like Zoom in advance on the device that you will take your examination to ensure that they can clearly see and read your ID.

If your ID cannot be read then you may have to use a different webcam.

Remember, this is an official examination conducted on behalf of the CAA and is fully auditable at any time.

If you fail to produce the correct ID for the examination you will be unable to complete the test & may be subject to a £30 rescheduling fee.