The A2 Certificate of Competency (A2 CofC)
The GVC (General Visual Line of Sight Certificate)
What training do you need for your drone?
Drone Insurance
Online Examination System FAQs
CAA Drone Registration
The HUBSub
Can you fly in Restricted Airspace as a drone operator in the UK?
Invoices, Accounts & Finance
Restricted Airspace
What is the pass mark for the GVC Theory Examinations?
The pass mark for the all UAVHUB theory examinations (GVC and A2 CofC) is 80%
At the end of your GVC Drone Course, you will have to take a 40 question multiple-choice, closed book examination. You will have 60 minutes to complete this.
If you are doing an A2 CofC Drone Course, you will have to take a 30 question multiple-choice, closed book examination. You will have 75 minutes to complete this.